Friday, December 01, 2006

Georgia (Aunt Pat) on my mind

GAP and I had great fun staying in the lovely motel you've heard so much about. Our typical schedule was that I would go for a run while she showered, and while I was showering, she would watch the morning news, mainly to see what kind of weather we should expect.

As an aside, the weather was really irrelevant because we spent our days inside a building in which the temperature ranged from slightly cool (2-5 degrees below comfortable) to down right frigid (15-20 degrees below comfortable). We walked to the building in short sleeves and then wore jackets all day inside.

Anyway, one morning after my shower, GAP told me that Rod Stewart had been singing on one of the national morning news shows. She said he was really showing his age and he didn't even sound like himself. We agreed that sometimes that happened when people got old. I returned to the bathroom to dry my hair, and when I was finished, GAP tried to tell me something.

It took a while for her to get it out because she was laughing so hard, but it finally came out that the reason Rod Stewart didn't sound like himself was because he was actually Barry Manilow.

That explains it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have done a remarkable job, Sycamore, of describing our adventures (or misadventures) as roomies. It's amazing to see how quickly the nearly unbearable can become a fond memory and terribly funny. I shall never forget our march to the motel office in our bedtime attire, the questionable pillow between your fingertips. And I just had another good hardy laught at the thought of Rod Stewart's transformation into Barry Manilow! Thanks for the memories..... GAP