Friday, June 02, 2006

I may need to change my phone number

I've been running in the mornings lately. I don't run fast, and I don't run far, but I run.

This morning, I was on the home stretch of my preplanned route when I saw a woman running toward me. As we got closer, I realized it was my neighbor. As we passed each other, we said hi, and then she said, "Oh, we'll have to go running together one morning."

In my head I was thinking, "Whatever. You probably like to run meaningful distances that can be measured in miles (I'm more of a tenths of a mile kind of runner at this point). And you probably like to run at a reasonable pace (my average is an 11.5 minute mile). I'm not seeing us running together being a fun idea for me."

Then I heard myself say (in my high-pitched sweet voice - you know you use that voice sometimes, too), "Yeah, that would be great."

I hope she doesn't call me on it. I was definitely bluffing.

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