Thursday, June 01, 2006

Totally falsism

There are a couple of local businesses that post life lessons on their signs. These are usually cutesy little phrases with perhaps a hint of irony.

For example:
The best throw of the dice is to throw them away.

Most conflicts in everyday life are caused by the wrong tone of voice.

If dreams came true, we would be scared to sleep. (This one I didn't get - wouldn't we actually be afraid to wake up?)

Then last week, this one appeared:
Pleasure is seldom found where it it sought.

What? Is it just me, or is that a really depressing thought? Of course, I don't believe it for a minute. I couldn't go through life thinking that I have no idea where to find pleasure. And that when I seek it, I won't find it. How terrible.

What kind of lesson is that?

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